L’elettronica ha la particolarità di coniugare innovazione tecnologica (lato hardware) e competenze progettuali/applicative (lato software). Il corso forma professionisti con una ricca preparazione sul piano scientifico, in grado di lavorare su più livelli, dallo studio del singolo componente allo sviluppo di sistemi complessi.
I settori applicativi includono l’automotive, l’energia, il biomedicale, l’automazione, le comunicazioni, le misure, la fotonica. La vasta offerta di corsi con laboratorio garantisce una formazione efficace.
Il grande numero di esami a scelta consente di approfondire argomenti specifici nell’ambito dell’elettronica, e di affrontare tematiche caratteristiche delle altre discipline dell’informazione, ottenendo una preparazione multidisciplinare.
Il programma degli studi è organizzato in 6 indirizzi:
- Nanoelectronics and photonics
- Electronics for energy
- Advanced integrated circuits
- Biomedical and health care
- Consumer electronics and domotics
- Smart industry and automotive
Lo studente guadagnerà:
• Competenze specifiche, in microelettronica, elettronica per l’energia, progettazione di circuiti integrati, misure elettroniche, dispositivi a microonde e fotonici;
• Competenze interdisciplinari, grazie alla presenza di sei indirizzi: Nanoelectronics and Photonics, Electronics for Energy, Integrated Circuits, Biomedical and Health Care, Consumer Electronics and Domotics, Smart Industry and Automotive
Grazie alla preparazione multidisciplinare, lo studente potrà acquisire competenze sia a livello di dispositivi e sistemi (hardware), sia a livello di controllo e software. La presenza di scambi internazionali con istituti di prestigio garantirà una formazione competitiva ed efficace. La collaborazione con aziende permetterà un efficace ingresso nel mondo del lavoro.
Gli sbocchi occupazionali tipici dei laureati in Ingegneria Elettronica comprendono:
- imprese che sviluppano sistemi e apparati in cui l’elettronica gioca un ruolo essenziale: automobilistico, biomedicale, delle telecomunicazioni, avionico, spaziale, dell’illuminazione a stato solido, della gestione e conversione dell’energia
- industrie per l’automazione e la robotica
- industrie per l’aeronautica e lo spazio
- aziende manifatturiere che utilizzano sistemi e impianti per l’automazione di processo;
- imprese di progettazione, sviluppo, ingegnerizzazione di sistemi per l’acquisizione e la trasmissione delle informazioni e la loro utilizzazione in applicazioni telecom avanzate;
- imprese manifatturiere, aziende agro-alimentari, aziende operanti in ambito civile, settori di amministrazioni pubbliche e imprese di servizi in cui sono utilizzati sistemi e infrastrutture per l’acquisizione, il trattamento, l’elaborazione e la trasmissione dell’informazione
- aziende di settori diversi, che necessitano di competenze per lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo di sistemi elettronici e servizi di telecomunicazione a supporto dell’organizzazione interna, della produzione e della commercializzazione;
- imprese pubbliche e private di servizi di telecomunicazione e telerilevamento terrestri o spaziali
- ricerca avanzata a livello accademico e industriale
The Master’s degree programme in Electronic Engineering is aimed at training designers of electronic systems in various sectors, such as electronics for computing and telecommunications, industrial, electronics for biomedical applications, the electronics domestic use (home, office, transport), the electronics for airborne-space systems.
Programme structure
The programme offers six paths that focus on different aspects of contemporary electronic engineering. Nevertheless, all the paths includes a block of mandatory course units (54 ECTS, allocated in the first two semesters) in order to guarantee that all the graduate students have a solid base covering all the main areas of electronic engineering. The remaining credits can be chosen by the students among a rich offer, focusing on one of the six paths. The mandatory course units, as well as most of the other course units offered for the personal choice, are fully held in English: therefore international students can complete the whole study programme fully in English.
The six proposed paths are:
1 – Nanoelectronics and photonics: this path explores the technology and operation of nanoelectronic and photonic devices, with a specific focus on LEDs and lasers, photovoltaics, organic electronics, quantum optics, nano- and bio-photonics, components for energy efficiency, quality and reliability. The knowledge acquired on the devices will be fundamental for the development of reliable and efficient systems.
2 – Electronics for energy: the conversion and efficient control of energy are the foundations of sustainable development and constitute the heart of all electrical / electronic equipment, from the exploitation of renewable energy sources to consumer electronics, from biomedical systems to transport (cars, trains , planes). This path provides the tools for a full understanding of energy conversion circuits, and promotes the development of design skills, both of the power part of the converters, and of the analog / digital control and supervision systems.
3 – Advanced integrated circuits: integrated circuits connect the micro and nanoelectronic devices made available by semiconductor technologies on a single chip to create the electronic systems that now pervade all applications, from cars to smartphones to biomedical systems to robotics. This path explores the structure, operating principles, design techniques and experimental verification of analog and digital circuits created through monolithic integration of active and passive devices.
4 – Biomedical and health care: Electronics and biosensors are at the heart of medical systems. This path addresses issues related to the development of electronic systems for biomedical application, with specific insights into various fields, including those of biosensors, biophotonics, analysis of biological signals and organic electronics.
5 – Consumer electronics and domotics: The consumer electronics market is constantly expanding, thanks to the development of increasingly advanced and innovative systems. Local and international industries require expertise in this rapidly evolving sector. This path allows to deepen the issues relating to the development of electronic systems for consumer electronics, with applications in lighting, communications, automotive, home automation, automation, the internet of things. A large list of elective exams allows close interaction with the other disciplines in the information area;
6 – Smart industry and automotive: Electronics is revolutionizing the world of industry and the automotive world, favoring the development of smart and reliable systems. This path allows to address issues related to the development of intelligent electronic systems: specific insights concern digital control, automotive and home automation, signal processing, industrial automation, machine learning and robotics.
Career opportunities
The master electronics engineer, thanks to a solid basic education and to a significant expertise in the key application areas, enhanced by highly interdisciplinary nature of knowledge, aims to meet the advanced and innovative requirements of most high-tech companies.
The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering opens employment opportunities both in small and medium-sized enterprises, operating in various sectors of information technology, electromechanical, biomedical, entertainment, and in large enterprises of microelectronics, telecommunications, automotive, avionics. The curriculum offers a multidisciplinary training, compatible with the flexibility required by market globalization and the constant evolution of technologies and products.
Graduates will be able to adapt to the rapid and continuous technological innovation, to easily interact with other Engineering sectors and to operate in all areas of application electronics. In particular, our graduates will have the ability to solve engineering problems of high complexity, operating in multidisciplinary environments and in full cooperation with other members of the technical staff. They will be able to evaluate, analyse and solve problems in new and emerging areas of their specialization by applying innovative methods in problem solving. They will have the ability to design and conduct analytic studies, to operate in the field of measurements, computer simulations and experiments in the laboratory. They will critically discuss the obtained data, draw conclusions and make decisions with the aim of optimizing the proposed solutions. They can actively participate in decision-planning phases of the design of new equipment and systems. They have the ability to assess the possibility of application of emerging technologies, evaluating the purchase of equipment and consciously choose the suitable components to the development of complex systems. Finally, they will develop their awareness in the reliability problems often heavily dependent on the application sector of the product.
Typical employment opportunities for graduates in Electronic Engineering are in:
– companies that design and develop electronic components, equipment, and systems, including the semiconductor industry;
– companies that develop systems and devices in different sectors for which electronics represents the essential element: the automotive, biomedical, telecommunications, avionics, space, solid state lighting, management and conversion;
– companies that design and develop equipment, systems and infrastructures for the acquisition and transmission of information and its use in telematic applications;
– manufacturing enterprises, agro-food companies, companies operating in residential areas, areas of public administration and service companies, in which systems and infrastructure for the acquisition, processing, processing and transmission of information (data, voice and images) are used;
– industrial automation and robotics companies that use systems for the automation of their manufacturing process;
– companies from different sectors, which require expertise in the development and use of electronic systems and telecommunications services in the internal organization support, production and marketing;
– public and private enterprises of telecommunication services and terrestrial or satellite remote sensing.
Graduates in Electronic Engineering can also work professionally on the standard test and collaborate with certification laboratories.
Dopo 3 anni dalla laurea magistrale:
tasso di occupazione
formazione post-laurea
stipendio medio
Dati Almalaurea relativi all’indagine 2017